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  • Alanna

Welcome to Our New Site!

The Comeback Chapters underwent some spring cleaning recently! Thanks to our incredible designer, Shelby Lynn Designs, we have a new website and logo to share with you all.

Our New Logo:

What excites me the most about our new logo is the symbolism behind the items we've chosen to incorporate. Like our original logo, we've kept our open book and flowers. To me, the open book suggest a chapter in the making. Each story that is posted here represents a chapter in our lives that we choose to open up and share with all of you. Some chapters are easy and fun, some chapters are hard to push through, and some chapters help us grow. Our new logo says exactly that- growth. I love that Shelby chose wildflowers (my personal favorites) too!

Our New Website:

Shelby chose to design our website with natural warm tones and I feel like it ties in with our new logo so well! Additionally, she's updated our fonts throughout the site.

I am so grateful to be friends with someone as talented as Shelby! If you're planning a wedding, I would highly recommend her as your go-to gal for all your stationary needs! Check out her current specials below:

I am so excited to continue to share the chapters in my story with you and inspire you when you need it most. I hope you enjoy our new look!

Until the next chapter,


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