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  • Dominique


Do you ever get so overwhelmed that it seems like the weight of the world is sitting on your chest? Like you can take five steps forward only to end up 10 steps backward? I know that many of us are going through different seasons right now. Some may be difficult, while others are joyful.

One of the amazing things about fall is the change that takes place. The once bushy green leaf tree was now covered in vibrant red, orange, and yellow colors. Some trees may not have any more leaves on them. There’s beauty in watching the process of change. As I came out of class the other day, I was stopped by this tree that was in the process of changing. I had to take a picture because it looked so beautiful.

This tree was standing amongst other trees, but none of the others stood out. It made me think about life, and how we are so much like that tree. Some of it was green, and some of it was full of color. Why? 'Cause it is in transition mode. Are you in transition mode? What things are changing around you? The tree reminds me that change is okay. If things never changed, how would we ever grow? How could something new ever blossom if we never shed what is holding us down?

Sometimes we need to fall, like when the leaves fall from the tree. Not falling to hurt us, but because when we get back up we will be stronger than before. The tree stands tall, not caring if there are other trees around it and not caring who’s looking at it. It keeps on doing its thing regardless of the audience. What do we do? Do we try to do whatever it takes to fit in, just so that someone can like us? Do we forfeit who we really are to try and appease someone? How many times do we try to fit in with the crowd? How many times do we try and hide the transition that we are going through? Trust yourself enough to let things go and uproot yourself if needed.

I love the quote that says “It’s okay if you fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire”. Make sure you rise and stand tall. Stop caring about what others think about you. As long as you like you, that’s what matters. Embrace your transition. Believe it or not, it’s teaching you something. Don’t be afraid to let go. You may be like the tree that has only one leaf hanging on it. That might be you hanging on by a thread, feeling completely overwhelmed. It’s okay to let go because something great is coming your way. We live in a world that tells us to be someone else. Just be your true authentic self. You look beautiful that way.


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