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  • Alanna

The Stress Twitch

Ahh, yes- my eye twitch. Some of you may have laughed after reading that. Some of you might have a ton of question marks floating around your head. But I'm willing to bet a few of you know exactly what I'm referring to.

It comes when pressure builds up at work. It comes when I login to pay my bills. It comes when I lay in bed at night thinking about all the things I need to do and catch up on the next day.

It happens randomly. Just the bottom right corner of my right eye. It pulses for a few seconds at any given moment, then disappears. It's become my punch line at work too: "Oh geeze! There goes my eye twitch!". It's my response to literally anything that makes me want to pull my hair out (which seems to be a common feeling these days).

It's almost sort of comical thinking of my eye twitching. It reminds me of those cartoon characters who clench their fists and squint their eyes when they're mad or something serious is about to go down.

But the actual cause for my eye twitching is due to the onset of something much less comical- stress. According to All About Vision, the top triggers include: stress, fatigue, eye strain, and dry eyes.

Those top two play a part in my daily life. Lately, I'm stressed every day. And tired almost every day too. I put on my happy face and drink all of the caffeine to get me through the day. Most of my stress is derived from work responsibilities, but lately my personal life has turned into a crazy mice maze. I'm constantly chasing my tail and trying to find my way out. But the stress is at every turn.

Mostly, I feel the constant pressure to seem like I have it all together. You ever feel this way too? I'm learning to take a step back and accept things as they come.

I don't foresee that my eye twitch will go away anytime soon. But I'm embracing this small flaw. I'm acknowledging my twitch as a reminder to slow down. A reminder to breathe and to relinquish control. After all, I'm only human. I can only do so much at once and I can only ever be in one place at a time. I have to remember that taking care of myself is important. And that I can't control everything in my life.

My eye twitching is a sign for me to stop. I'm learning to embrace it and care for it. It's teaching me that I don't need to have my life together and it's okay if not every single thing goes according to plan.

If there's one thing I CAN control, it's how I react.


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