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  • Dominique

The Gift of Sunshine

I believe that we meet people on purpose. Some people come as a lesson and others come as a blessing. Some people come to harm, while others come to heal. Some people stay only for a season, while others stay for a lifetime. I had an awesome thing happen to me a couple weeks ago, that completely changed everything for me.

I have been going through a lot of deep things for awhile now. I was literally mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever felt completely depleted of any feeling or emotion? It takes a lot to get me to that place, but somehow ended up there. It was a Wednesday night. I was up late doing homework when I closed my computer and said out loud, “Please help me”. “Please show me what I supposed to be doing because I can’t anymore”. I couldn’t think or see anything anymore. I was in a really bad place.

The next day I get up. It was a normal Thursday, normal routine. I like to go to the laundry mat because I can get eight loads of laundry washed and dried in an hour and a half. While I’m waiting for my laundry I typically study. Normally Thursday’s are a busy day at the laundry mat. This particular day was unusually quiet, but hey I wasn’t going to argue with that. I was putting stuff in the dryer when I heard the door open. I didn’t look back and kept loading my clothes in the dryer. There was a man there, and he began talking to me. He said, “You have the spirit of discernment”. I literally stopped what I was doing, looked at him, smiled and said “How do you know?”. It is something that I do have, but unless you were extremely close to me you would never know that. He then began to explain in detail every emotion that I was feeling. Every issue that I was going through. He told me things that only my husband and I knew. He said that things are going to get worse before they get better. He said, “You are on the right path, you have to keep going”. I couldn’t believe it. The night before I cried out feeling so completely broken, then to have a stranger tell me to keep going the very next day was pretty awesome.

We all have the power to change people’s lives. So why don’t we do that more? My encouragement for you today is that you will step out of your comfort zone and help someone else. When you hear that inner voice, listen to it. I am not sure if that man was an angel or a person who has an amazing gift of knowing things. What I do know is that he changed my life forever. I hope you will be that gift of sunshine in someone's life too.


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