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  • Alanna

Take A Break

This past week I spent some much needed time away from all the hustle and bustle of work and daily stresses. Aaron and I packed our things, loaded our pups in the car, and hit the road for a week of hunting and visiting my dad in northern Michigan.

The 6 and a half hour drive never disappoints with it's amazing view of the Lake Michigan shoreline. One of my favorite things about my property is the stunning views. 50+ acres of woods, fields, and serenity.

One of the blessings about where my dad lives: I get almost no cell service. Yes, I'm calling that a blessing. Because for the last week, I was forced to take a break from my cell phone and enjoy what I had around me. I wasn't worrying about what someone had posted on their Snapchat or Instagram, or who posted the most recent status on Facebook, or what kind of emails I had to attend to. I was left to focus on what really matters- the people with me and the time I had to spend with them.

Over the last 7 days, I concentrated on spending time with my Dad, Aaron, and my cousin Patrick. We had so much fun catching up and getting out in the woods to hunt every morning and evening. My favorite thing about hunting in the time spent alone and watching the sky paint itself with vibrant warm colors as the sun sets for the night.

I was at absolute peace sitting out in the woods. Watching the sunrise and sunsets, listening to the wind blowing and the birds flying overhead. I would let hours pass while I patiently sat still and took everything in.

Taking the time to detox and refresh my mind was one of the best things I did for myself. Technology is such an amazing thing, but it also can be harmful to us. We rely on our cell phones to stay in touch with family and friends, to post latest updates in our lives, and to google things at our convenience. But we also cling to our phones 24/7. We panic when we don't have enough bars to send a text or when our battery creeps to critically low.

Why? Why do we feel like we need to be in the know all the time? Why do we let our cell phones dictate our day and define our stresses? Because I've come to find that a lot of my stress can be attributed to my phone. I am guilty of all of these things. I get frustrated if a friend doesn't respond back right away. Or if I forget my phone at home and feel as though I can't go on with my day because my phone isn't glued to my hand. Aaron has even called me out when I tune him out to check the latest story someone posted on Instagram.These things are NOT worth losing time with the people we love and so not worth the stress.

After stepping away and taking a break for a while, I actually had time to think for myself. I had time to think about where my life is going, plan for the future, and set goals for myself. I had time to appreciate the people I was with and set my phone down. Time is valuable. And I intend to make the holidays, and each day, living life in the moment.

I remember sitting out at a restaurant with my sister and my Mom a few years back. We all sat down and my sister and I were both paying attention to our phones and not our mother. My mom said something that stuck with me: "Alright girls, put your phones in the middle of the table. The first one to grab their phone pays for lunch." I remember my sister and I looking at each-other and finally relinquishing our phones. In the middle of lunch, my sister's phone went off and we all laughed as she struggled to hold herself back from grabbing it. That lunch with my Mom has always stuck with me. I admired how she creatively distracted us and brought us back to the present with her.

Today, I challenge you all to do that exact same thing. When you all gather around the table with your family and friends, put your phones down in the middle of the table. Make a fun game out of it and hold each-other accountable. Enjoy the time you have with the people in front of you, not the people online. Trust me, you need that break more than you think you do.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I love you and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Whether we've known each-other for years or we've never met, I am thankful for our friendship. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


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