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  • Alanna

Self Love Series- Practicing Self Love

Self love is defined as the regard for one's own well-being and happiness. It’s not always easy to love ourselves as we are- mentally, spiritually, and physically. There are so many times where I doubt myself or I don’t give myself the time that I need to focus on my needs over the needs of others. It’s time that we start taking care of ourselves a little better.

I want to share a few things with you that make me happy:

1. Good Reads

2. Motivational Videos

One of my all time favorite motivational videos was discovered at an AdvoCare convention last year. The second I started to watch it, I knew I had to find the video and watch it over and over and over! I searched everywhere on YouTube and had no luck (I couldn't remember the name of the video). Finally, one of my friends shared it a few months after the event and ever since then I've been hooked on these motivational videos by Your World Within. Below is my all time favorite:

3. Adult Coloring Books

As silly as it might sound to some of you, it’s actually really calming. Focusing on something mindless and not so challenging helps my brain relax and focus on one thing- keeping those colored pencils in between the lines. My next challenge after I finish my coloring book is to try out calligraphy!

4. Morning Devotionals

5. When In Doubt, Sing It Loud

My taste in music varies from worship music to country, to pop, to rock, to metal. I know, they are all completely different types of music. But I truly love all those genres. I start my mornings listening to K-LOVE 105.3 to begin my day with positivity and encouragement. At work I’ll play country music at my desk to keep me relaxed throughout the day. After work, I’ll plug in my Pandora in the car and blast my music loud. (I’m that girl that has her music turned all the way up that sings along and dances in the car. It’s so much fun to let loose after the work day is over!) I relieve the stresses I ran into on the job and enjoy my long ride home singing along to my favorite artists. And when I say sing, I mean SING. Very loud. I have no shame :)

6. Aromatherapy

It’s no secret to any of my family or friends that I’m in love with Bath and Body products. I have countless candles in stock at home, a wallflower air-freshener, bath bombs, and bubble bath wash. My weakness is the entire Stress Relief line!

When the stresses of life get in the way, we lose our happiness with ourselves and others. I truly believe that in order to be happy and reflect that happiness onto others, we need to take care of ourselves. Life can get crazy busy, trust me I know. But even just taking a half hour to do something that relaxes you can make the biggest difference. To summarize our Self Love Series, I want to leave you with this quote I found (if you can't tell I'm a sucker for inspirational quotes!):

Thank you to all of you amazing souls out there that stuck with us throughout this Self Love Series. We truly appreciate all of your love, encouragement and support. XOXO


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