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  • Dominique

Say Something

On Friday I received one of the most devastating calls. My mom called to tell me that my grandma had passed away. I know to some people grandmas are just grandmas, but to me she was my other mother. My grandpa and her helped raise my sister and I.

As I go back in time, I remember movie nights every Friday. I remember my grandma baking whether it was her famous apple cake, strudel, pound cake, or poppy seed and nut roll. I remember when I was little I used to watch her bake. I was always full of wonder when she would bake without measuring. She would say it takes a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I could take for hours about memories we all shared with my grandma.

One of the things that I will truly miss, is the beautiful soul that my grandma had. Her laugh was contagious. The way she said your name could make your heart melt. She had such a great sense of humor, and touched the lives of so many people. Even though my grandma is not physically here, I know she lives on in each of us.

Sometimes we have to go through rough times to teach us lessons. I don’t know what it is about death, but it really makes you think. Think of all the petty things we hold against people. Is it worth our peace of mind? Can we forgive each other and move on? The problem is, we think we have time to fix a situation, we think we have time to tell people we love them. That time may never come. The time is now and not later. The time to make a change is now. Pick up that phone and reconcile that severed relationship. Pick up the phone and tell someone you love them, say you’re sorry, say I need you, say hey thanks for being a great neighbor. Just say something. We all have things in our hearts we want to say to other people. Do it before time runs out.


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