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  • Dominique

Say It Now

Do you know that phrase “Say it before it’s too late”? That phrase is exactly what was going on in my mind last week, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.

As I sat at a funeral listening to the beautifully spoken eulogy, I couldn’t help but to think how much this person would have loved hearing the things that were being said about her. It really made me think deeply about our everyday interactions with people.

How many times do we see people and don’t say anything to them? How many times does someone look awesome, but we fail to tell them that? How many times do people touch our lives but we don’t say anything to let them know that?

It is time we start telling people, don’t you think? Say it before it’s too late. Tell people you love them. Don’t wait until you’re sitting in a funeral wishing that you did.


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