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  • Dominique

Rhubarb Crunch With Strawberry Sauce

I am so excited to share this rhubarb crunch recipe with you! Some of you are like “yeah rhubarb!” Others are like "what in the world is that red celery stalk looking thing". Rhubarb is technically a vegetable but considered a fruit (I know it’s weird). It has large leaves with long thick stalks that can be red, green, and even pinkish in color. It is extremely tart, which is why most people make it as a dessert. I like to eat it raw because it has amazing health benefits. Rhubarb builds bone strength, helps in weight loss, improves digestion, and fights off brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s Disease to name a few. **Side note though, do not eat the leaves (they are poisonous) only eat the stalks** Rhubarb pairs beautifully with strawberries. Bonus on that is they are both in season! You can get rhubarb pretty much anywhere now. You could get it from the grocery store, farmers market, or better yet grow it yourself! My aunt sent me home the other day with a bunch of rhubarb and this delicious recipe. I paired it with a strawberry sauce. Fair warning, you will eat the whole pan. Yes, it is that delicious, so make sure you have enough rhubarb to make two batches. I will stop blabbing so you can make this! Hope you all enjoy 😊

Whenever I make a recipe for the first time I always follow the directions and, if needed, adjust the amounts the second time around. When I make this again I will cut back the sugar in the rhubarb crunch and leave the sugar amount in the strawberries the same. That way it will be a good mixture of tart and sweet. The recipe on its own is delicious. It’s a little on the sweet side but so yummy.

Rhubarb Crunch With Strawberry Sauce

For the crust:

  • 1 ½ C flour

  • ½ C powdered sugar

  • ¾ C (12 TBS) butter softened

Spray a 13X9 pan with non-stick baking spray (or use parchment paper) so the bars won’t stick to the bottom.

Mix the flour, sugar, and butter together (I used my hands to mix it to ensure that the flour and sugar was incorporated well with the butter).

Press into pan.

Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

While the crust is baking, mix the filling:

  • 3 eggs

  • 2 C sugar

  • 6 TBS flour

  • 1 ¼ tsp baking powder

  • 6 stalks rhubarb

Mix all ingredients to make the filling and pour onto hot baked crust.

Continue baking 35 to 40 minutes. (Whenever you bake something always start with the lowest time. You can always bake something longer, but if you over bake it and it becomes burnt then your masterpiece is a goner. I baked mine for 35 minutes and it came out perfect. Remember each oven is different.)

For the strawberry sauce:

  • 3 C strawberries diced (I used fresh but you could also use frozen)

  • 1 C sugar

  • 2 TBS fresh lemon juice

  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract (I only had the clear vanilla on hand but you could use any vanilla)

If you’re using fresh strawberries make sure to rinse them, cut the greens off, and give them a good chop. If you use frozen strawberries make sure there is no added sugar in them.

Add strawberries, lemon juice, sugar, and vanilla to a pot.

Stirring occasionally, simmer to reduce the sauce until your mixture becomes thick (I simmered mine for about 20 minutes). Once you get it to the consistency that you like, remove from heat to let cool. The sauce will thicken as it cools.

You can drizzle this sauce on top of the rhubarb crunch or put a big scoop down on a plate (to make it pretty) with the crunch on top. Dollop with whipped cream and/or serve with vanilla ice cream.

This sauce is great on ice cream or even used on pancakes! If you think of any other ways to use the sauce let me know! Enjoy!


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