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  • Dominique


Over seven billion people will experience today differently.

It kind of takes you back a minute, doesn’t it? There will be some people who are happy today and find love and get married, while others will experience sadness and divorce. Some people will get beaten today. Some people will get a new pet, while others have to put one down. Some people will go through a natural disaster and lose everything, while others are building new. Some people will get bullied today and left out of everything, while others will be popular and be in the spot-light. Some people will cry themselves to sleep tonight, while others go to bed happy. Some people will lose their home today, while others are buying or building something new. Some people will go to the doctor today and get devastating news, while others will get the news they’ve been waiting to hear. Some people will lose a loved one, while others will experience a new birth. Some people will try their hardest at what they are doing, and it will never be good enough for the person they are trying to impress. Some people are starving to death, while others have an abundance of food. Some people will go to school today, drive, sing a song freely, or wear whatever they want. While others are starving and have to hide what they do.

I used to work in retail. I had a lady come to the counter. She looked angry and upset. She was trying to print out a picture from the kiosk but it wasn’t working for her, so she mumbled some not so nice stuff under her breath. I went up to her and asked politely what I could help her with. The moment she looked at me her anger turned into sadness, and tears started streaming down her face. She said that she was sorry for acting the way she was towards me. She said that she was trying to get a picture printed for her teenage son's funeral. Her and I hugged for a long time in the store. That lady totally changed everything for me. That happened over 13 years ago and I still cant get it out of my head. It really helped me change the way I think about things.

That jerk who cut you off in the morning on the way to work, speeding like a maniac, might have been on the way to the hospital because he just found out that his loved one only had moments to live. That lady who ran the red light might have been in daze as she clenched her hands on the steering wheel afraid to go home. That older person who is driving so slow might be talking it all in one last time before they had to go into a nursing home.

Do you get it? Do you see it? How many smiling faces do we come in contact with everyday, not knowing what really hides beneath that smile? Do you know what I love about today? Is that we got the chance to wake up. It means yesterday is gone and today is a fresh start. It’s a new day, a new you, filled with new opportunities.

What are you going to do with today?


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