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  • Alanna


A year ago, I remember sitting in my seat at the 2017 AdvoCare Ladie's Alive conference and contemplating all the new and exciting things I had approaching in my life. Dominique and I had just created our Comeback Chapters support group on Facebook in June 2017. We were so excited because we were also in the process of creating our very first website (this blog!).

During the conference, we were asked to come up with one positive word that was meaningful to us. Immediately the word 'comeback' came to mind because the Comeback Chapters was so fresh, exciting and incredibly important to me. It symbolized hope, adventure, and inspiration. After helping Dominique think of her word, we both decided that 'overcome' was a perfect word for her.

Dominique has always been someone that I've looked up to. She is fierce, she fights for those she loves, she is determined to make a positive impact in other's lives, and she is one of my dearest friends. I've always admired the way she carries herself, even during the hardest of times. When the word 'overcome' came to our minds, I knew that word was the perfect fit for her. And over this past year, that word has increasingly become important to me as well.

I've gone through a lot of change over the past few years. My mom passed away, my sister moved away to Missouri, my dad moved away to Michigan, Aaron bought our first house, I got engaged, struggled with my mental health, and I've lost and gained friends along the way. Isn't that crazy how much can happen to a person in such little time? The word overcome has really started to take its own form in my life. Many times when I'm feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or low, I tell myself that I will overcome this. It will pass. Things will get better. I will overcome this.

It became my personal mantra. And so I got that reminder permanently on my wrist.

It's there to remind me that no matter how bad a situation may seem at the time, it will get better. It will pass. And I will overcome it.

I am so incredibly happy with it. Every time I look at my wrist, I feel inspired. I'm looking forward to carrying this encouraging mentality with me for the rest of my life. My hopes are that I am able to inspire others to lead more encouraging life as well. And to remind myself that everything is going to be okay.

My mental health and self care has become more important than I ever realized until recently. Taking care of your body is so important, but your mind and soul should never be forgotten.

I want to say THANK YOU to Dominique for always being an incredible friend and for inspiring me to always push myself to do better. Thank you for giving me the courage to speak up. Thank you for all of your wisdom you've shared. And thank you for inspiring my own personal mantra. I'm so blessed with our friendship. It will remain in my heart forever. Just like this tattoo.


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