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  • Alanna

Chapter Twenty Three- Nourishment

Lately, it's really been on my heart to live a much fuller life than what I had been. I keep circling back to the word 'nourishment', and I'm starting to realize why. My current mindset is happier, healthier, and flourishing. And why? Because I am nourishing every aspect of my life. For me, this means remaining positive despite my circumstances, practicing deep breathing, setting attainable goals, and always looking for opportunities for growth and development. The small changes that I've been making have made a huge difference overall.

According to, 'nourish' is defined as: "to sustain and supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth" and "to strengthen, build up, or promote". When I think of nourishment, I think of focusing on more of the good in life. I believe that people should live less out of habit, and more out of intention. I also believe that intentions are so much more important than the outcomes that follow.

Over the last year, I've really taken on a new love of journaling. I have a planner that I carry with me everywhere I go, and everyday I write something down that stood out to me that day. Some of the things you might find in my journal include: career goals, fitness goals, intentions on reconciling old friendships, and thoughts on emotional well-being. Most of what I write are favorite quotes (for those who don't know, I am a huge lover of all quotes- love, fitness, motivation, spiritual, etc. I am never lacking in that department.) A favorite of mine lately- "You gotta nourish to flourish". There is so much truth to that! If you want to learn and grow, you have to nourish your mind and your heart. You have to be willing to change and willing to learn as you go- because what you experience on your journey is just as important as getting there. And always set goals out of love for yourself and not as a form of punishment.

Another thing I believe is extremely important is your spiritual health and beliefs. Regardless if you believe there is a God, focusing on what you believe and what you will support is crucial to your overall health. I am a Christian, and my personal goal is to strengthen my relationship with God. I intend to read more morning devotionals, read the Bible, and pray daily. When I feel overwhelmed with life, I plan to take a step back, take a few deep breaths, and think with positive intent.

And naturally, when most people hear the word 'nourishment', they think of food. My Mornings start off with an AdvoCare Meal Replacement Shake and a small snack for the late morning. Most of my lunch and dinner meals include a hefty serving of veggies and protein, and a small serving of carbs. Remember that what you fuel your body with significantly impacts your health and energy. But also remember that it's okay to treat yourself once in a while. Nourish your body with healthier foods, but don't be afraid to satisfy your cravings within reason (to keep you sane!).

Focus on your own mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. Keep in mind that your relationship with yourself sets the tone for your outlook on life and your relationships. Always seek out something new to try because knowledge is power. Set reasonable goals, work hard, learn, grow, and nourish yourself.


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