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  • Alanna

My Top 10 to Follow on Instagram

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

This morning I wanted to share with you my top 10 profiles that I follow on Instagram to help inspire you! If you read my most recent blog post on Influencers, then you'll know that every one I choose to follow either motivates, inspires, or encourages me. I chose to share with you all Instagram handles because I feel that this is the best platform to discover people and share experiences. Below is a list of my top 10 profiles that I follow broken down into categories. I hope you find someone new that you like!


I first came across Kara's page when she was featured on Instagram last August. I got a glimpse of one beautiful photo she posted and jumped over to her page right away. I fell in love with the way she photographs and the places she visits. She is definitely one of my very top favorites and I love every post she uploads!

For all my fellow Bachelor/Bachelorette viewers, Dean has had a fun Instagram lately! This summer he announced that he bought a van and has been traveling around ever since in his "Vantasy Suite". I really enjoy the quality of the photos that he shares in his stories and who doesn't love the idea of traveling around in a van without a mortgage?

Calling all Midwest friends- you're going to like following Miss Northener. All the kayaking, bonfires, lake views, and cabin feels. Her page makes me so happy because it reminds me of the summer trips my family used to take up north. Each year we rented a different cabin on a lake. We always went fishing, cooked together, and explored the area. My favorite memory was reading a new book I had just gotten on the dock and looking out onto the lake. Her feed gives me all the best memories.


I first learned about Elevation Church when another page I follow mentioned them in their stories. I love that I can "go to church" in my pajamas at home when I accidentally sleep in too late and miss my local church service. They post almost daily in their stories and I share encouragement and video clips of sermons. If anyone ever needs a little motivation or pick-me-up, this is the page to visit for all my fellow believers.

Oh, where to start with Hannah? She is absolutely my favorite person to follow for inspiration and learning to grow as a Christian. I was first introduced to Hannah's book "Come Matter Here" by my friend Becca. At the time, I was in a hard place. Becca mentioned this amazing book that she and her friends had read and brought it into work the next day for me to borrow. Diving all into that book was the best thing I could have done for myself! Hannah is so funny, real, and totally relatable. I'm also subscribed to her Monday Club emails which get sent out every Monday morning that focuses on a monthly topic to encourage you in your every day life. You can find out more about her and her books here.


Jordan is well known by so many girls who have read her book. She's the author of "Own Your Everyday", the owner of SHE Podcast, and founder of Soul Scripts. She is hugely successful and has a large following base. To me, she is the definition of an entrepreneur. I love listening to her podcasts and she posts daily on her Instagram stories.

I'm not even sure how I stumbled across Ashley's page, but I'm so glad I did. Ashley is the founder of The Shine Project, author of "Born to Shine", a speaker, and even owns her own clothing line. What I love most about Ashley is her constant positive outlook on life. She's been through some really tough struggles, but you wouldn't know that when first viewing her bright and smiling feed. She's very honest, open, and raw about her experiences. I love how despite everything, her goal is to always help out other people.

Health & Fitness

In my search of finding easy healthy recipes for my committee at work, I came across Lee's page. Lee, along with 2 other women, run Fit Foodie Finds. She is ambitious and passionate about her food. Not only does she get creative with healthy meals, but she is a freaking hoot on Instagram. She is such a fun character! She's never afraid to be her true self and she has such a fun approach to life.

In my journey to find a group of supportive women while I worked on my fitness, I found Jess. She along with her team, Fearlessly Fit, sparked a huge fire beneath me. I reached out to her and she invited me to become a part of her team! I am so grateful that I was able to jump into her programs and have an incredible accountability group. She is the reason that I healthier, happier, and more accepting of my body. With her encouragement I've established my own eating habits and workout routine. She will always be someone I look up to and admire!

Amy is such a force to be reckoned with. What I love most about Amy is her resilience and determination. She has a strong faith base and is also passionate about her health. Although she has another fitness team, I really do admire the life she has created for herself and her positive energy.

This collection of Influencers that I follow are a huge inspiration to me! Each page lifts my spirits and encourages me to be a better version of myself. I hope that if you were looking for someone new to inspire you, that you find someone here. Have an amazing day!


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