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  • Alanna


Every app that you pull up and mindlessly scroll through has them. They pop up in advertisements, you follow some, and some of you may even aspire to be one- an Influencer. But what exactly are they and what is their purpose? Why have they suddenly become so popular?

Google defines an Influencer as "a person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media." And that's just what they do. They 'sell' and market themselves out to targeted audiences who are interested in the same things. Most often, Influencers obtain sponsorships and partners that help promote their social handles and grow a bigger following. Their goal is to reach as many people and positively influence others because they believe and support what they are marketing.

In a world full of negativity, Influencers have increasingly become popular. For some of us, they're who we follow to take us to a place of positivity and escape. Each one has a specific specialty, a specific theme, and a specific targeted audience. I follow several influencers on Instagram and Facebook. I follow travelers who inspire me to travel the world and encourage me to get out and explore more. I follow multiple authors and speakers who post daily motivation for me that get me through each new challenge I face. I follow musicians, bloggers, physical trainers....and the list goes on. Why? Because each person I choose to follow on social media impacts my life in a positive way.

But we also need to mindful of how the influence affects us in negative ways. Are we comparing ourselves to someone else? Are we allowing the perspective of someone else to negatively impact our lives? Will we continue to say to ourselves that we may never be as good as the person who uploads all those "perfect" pictures on social media?

We have to be careful of who we choose to model after and how we go about that. A rule that I stick to is to only follow people who are uplifting. I unfollow anyone on social media that doesn't lift my spirits, makes me feel bad about who I am, or posts negative content.

I have heard so many friends and co-workers say that they wish they could be an influencer. But if you really think about it, we're all influencers. We may not have big followings and we may not be raking in money doing it, but we are influencing people around us. The things we say, our actions, and what we share directly impacts another person.

Something I say and the words I choose can either bring someone else down or lift them up. Something I put into action can be a consequence or a blessing. What I chose to share can help the people I know and the community around me. I know I'm guilty of thinking that I'm not making a difference, but I am. I am here for a reason and what I'm doing now in this moment might be speaking to someone I never would have thought needed it. Who I follow shapes my mindset, and I want to continue to learn and grow and influence others to live happier and healthier.

Have you ever heard of the saying "Be the energy you want to attract"? I think it's important that we are all aware of the shadow that we cast and the image that we portray. Though we often forget the impact we have, people may always watching. Let's move forward to set good examples for each other and lift one another up!

Who influences you? Who will you influence?


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