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  • Alanna

Hope This Christmas

This year I'm really feeling in my heart to reach those who are struggling this year with the loss of a loved one. Holidays are hard. And I want you to know that you are not alone this Christmas.

After my Mom passed, Thanksgiving came creeping up faster than I knew it. It was too soon for me to acknowledge that it was my first holiday with an empty chair. That Thanksgiving was filled with tears and grief. Especially since Thanksgiving was my Mom's absolute favorite holiday. She loved the idea of everyone gathered around the table, around a home cooked meal, and acknowledging all of the good we were blessed with in the year. How could I be grateful when the person I missed most was gone forever? How could I be happy? How was I supposed to move forward?

As the months passed and more holidays came and went- it got easier. Not to say that it was ever going to be okay (because to me, it never will be okay that my Mom is gone), but it did get easier. As hard as it was to accept, I made it through that holiday. I have an incredible support system. Friends who checked in on me, family who never lost touch, and my amazing fiance who always knew how to get a smile out of me. Despite the heartache, the holidays began to have meaning again. I decided to be more positive and celebrate the holidays the way my Mom would have. She never would have stood for me crying and isolating myself. She would have wanted me to connect with family and celebrate with everyone. It's my way of honoring her memory.

I know that grief looks different to everyone. And I want you to know that if you feel like you have no one, you do. This Comeback Community is a beautiful thing. We love you. We are praying for you. Please reach out to us. We are here for you.

I came across this song and I really believe that it's worth the time to listen to:

I hope that you all have an amazing Christmas filled with love, laughter, and people who warm your heart. Know that it's okay to grieve for that empty chair across from you. But also know that they are looking after you. They are with you, even if you don't know it. Always.

"Christmas in Heaven,

what do they do?

They come down to Earth

to spend it with you.

So save them a seat,

just one empty chair.

You may not see them,

but they will be there."



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