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  • Alanna

Guest Bloggers Wanted!

We want to hear from you! The Comeback Chapters is looking for a few individuals to contribute to our weekly blog posts and share their journey on our blog.

Dominique and I have been so fortunate to have so much support from our family and friends. We've also received messages from readers who have connected personally to our posts. It truly is one of the most rewarding feelings to know that we somehow helped someone deal with something that they've been struggling with. Just giving some advice or motivation to someone who needed to read it in that moment makes this all worth it.

Since this blog was started, I've felt such a pull to share my stories. I'm not going to lie, many times it's been hard. Opening up about a struggle I have been facing is terrifying. It's scary to type something up, re-read a few hundred times, click "Publish Post" and wait nervously for others to read.

I used to think that what I wrote about wouldn't appeal to other people. I didn't think many people would react or see it. I thought that nobody really knew who I was- not because I wanted people to know my name, but because I wanted my stories to reach out to someone who really needed to read it. I realized that yes I was scared for people to read about what I had to say, but I was ever more worried that the person who needed it the most wouldn't be reached.

I've learned that failure isn't nearly as scary as regret. I don't want to wake up one day regret not starting up The Comeback Chapters. It's brought me so much relief and hope. I'm so happy that I took this leap of faith and I don't regret a single thing we've done since we started this.

And I would love for you to be apart of this life-changing experience! It may be an outlet for you, as it has been for me. But you'll never know if you don't put yourself out there. We would even love to have you as an Anonymous Guest (if that's what you'd prefer).

Everyone is faced in life with different challenges that make each other's stories unique. Each person's journey tells a story of struggle, heartache, courage and joy. We want to hear about it all! The good stuff, the deep stuff, and motivational stuff. Whether it's something that you're currently going through or something you've learned along the way, you have something to share.

If you're interested, please reach out to us by clicking on the "Contact" tab at the top of the page. Send us any questions you may have and we'll help you get your first post out there!

We can't wait to hear from you!


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