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  • Dominique

Growth Never Ends

Did you ever have a time when you set some goals and were motivated to crush them, only to botch your operation? I was listening to a lady speak the other day, and she said something that really spoke to me. She said that goals end but growth never ends. I want you to read that again. How true is that!

Let’s say you had a weight loss goal of 20 pounds and you reached that. What happens next? Goals don’t always have to be fitness related. It could be something like budgeting your money better, being a better friend, treating your partner better- it could be anything.

Growth never ends. What does that really mean? It means that we constantly learn when we go through stuff. Take for example losing weight. That’s a hard task, especially as you get older. Losing weight requires you to change your mind set, making better eating decisions for your body, and taking the time to exercise. It’s not an easy thing to do, but by doing those things you’re growing yourself from the inside out. Being nice to people isn’t always the easiest thing to do either. But taking the time to think about why someone is acting the way they are, can really help you understand people better.

That’s called growing. It’s an awesome thing that every day we can walk on the pathway of opportunity to grow ourselves into better people.


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1 commentaire

Vonda Missy Ball/Copeland
Vonda Missy Ball/Copeland
03 sept.

Such a great, encouraging, motivation message!! You are awesome!! Love this!! Love you & your ministry!! Thank you!

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