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  • Dominique


Back in early March I went on a field trip to a nature center with my daughter. The center had six different stations lined up for the kids to go through. Each station was pretty awesome. They had the kids do different activities which made the learning experience a lot of fun. We learned about pollination, bats, and trees. At one of the stations the kids had a chance to make a homemade flower pot out of newspaper and an empty soup can. When the kids were finished making their flower pot they filled it with soil. They were then given two tiny marigold seeds to plant. It was fun watching these kiddos create their masterpiece, of which they were able to take home.

When my daughter brought it home she watered it and put the flower pot on the window ledge above my kitchen sink so it could get the best light. Since I do dishes multiple times a day, I see it all the time. You have to understand that I don’t have a green thumb at all, but thought I’d give it a shot and try to nurture this marigold plant to life. After weeks of watering and sunlight nothing happened. No growth, no new sprout, nothing. It was well over a month before anything came through, but when it did I was ecstatic. There was this small lanky green thing that was poking out of the soil. I was just happy that I didn’t kill it. Lanky or not- I’ll take it.

After a few weeks it began to grow taller. It soon got to the point where it was too big to be in the homemade flower pot, so I transplanted it into a bigger store-bought pot. I filled it with nutrient rich soil and hoped for the best. I ended up leaving it outside on my backyard table. I thought that with the sun, rain, and being in its natural environment it would help it grow. It worked! The marigold’s stem is so incredibly thick and strong now. It’s not flopping over like how it did when it first sprouted. It’s standing tall all on its own.

Isn’t that how we get sometimes? If we are in a dark place or nothing seems to be going right, we just sink and don’t really see our full potential. What happens when we are fed? What happens when life is spoken into us? We begin to flourish into something really incredible.

I know when I’m having a hard time I like to listen to motivational people. Someone who speaks life into me. Don’t get me wrong, there are days when I don’t want to hear anything. However, I know that I always get a dose of what I need even if I don’t want to admit it. YouTube has a ton of motivational speeches you can listen to. Reading is also a great tool to help you. If I don’t know what kind of books to get, try Amazon and type in whatever it is that you want to read, like mystery, motivational, self- help, stuff like that. It will pull up so many different books that you can check out at the library or buy. Bonus part on Amazon is that there is always reviews and ratings. Just be careful when you read the reviews. Some people like to spoil the ending, but other than that its great.

Whenever you feel yourself sinking, remember that you are capable of so many amazing things. Growth is not always easy but it is necessary to mold us into the person we were meant to be.


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