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  • Dominique

Full Potential

Exhausted, broken, drained, let down, discouraged, overwhelmed- do any of these sound familiar to you? Perhaps you have felt that way at some point or are feeling that way now. I know I feel that way more times than I care to admit.

The other day I was outside tending to my garden. It’s the only green thing that I have not killed yet. I do not have a green thumb at all. I buy flowers for the center of my table and they are dead within 2-3 days. Sometimes they last a week if I’m lucky. Then there are people like my grandma who can make plants come back to life and have store bought flowers last for a month. I sadly did not inherit that gift. None the less, I still love flowers. A few months back I planted some petunias. I love those flowers around my house because they are durable and so easy to take care of. All you have to do is water them and pluck out the dead flowers. Yesterday I was outside plucking the dead flowers out when my daughter asked what I was doing. I explained to her that I had to pluck out the dead flowers because there were new ones waiting to come out. If we didn’t remove the old ones, the new bloom wouldn’t be able to show us how beautiful it could be. Isn’t that true in our lives?

We are all beautiful blooms but sometimes we let the dead ones take over. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our everyday routine that we forget to take care of ourselves and why that’s so important. Sometimes, we let the thoughts of what others think of us take over our mind. There may be times when the people who are closest to let you down. There may be times when you feel so down you can’t get out of bed. Maybe you’re in a relationship that leaves you feeling broken. Maybe you have this brilliant business idea and share it with someone, only to have them tell you it’s a dumb idea and it leaves you feeling discouraged.

Baby, I’m here to tell you to pluck all that negativity out of your life. You’re a masterpiece. The way you think, what you do, the way you look, everything about you is beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you different. If we all looked the same, thought and did the same things, this world would be a boring place. Don’t you think? It’s okay to have bad days, but it’s not okay to live there permanently. Pluck out the negativity, the people, the words, and thoughts that are not letting you bloom to your fullest potential.


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