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  • Alanna

Five Things To Let Go Of

We're always told what we should be doing better. What we should improve on. What we should be doing to achieve our goals. But a lot of times, in order to reach our goals, we have to learn to let some things go. We have to let the things that are bringing us down and that don't add value to our life. And I bet that you won't guess what some some of these things might be.

1. Negative Self-Talk

First, we need to stop being so dang hard on ourselves. When you think about wanting to achieve a goal, you shouldn't do it with hatred towards yourself. Your motivation to change shouldn't be negative. For example: If you are looking to lose some weight, don't do it because you hate how you look and you consider yourself overweight. Do it because you want to make a positive change and you value your health. You should be happy and excited to reach your goal. Bringing yourself down and telling yourself that "you aren't worth it" or "you suck at this" won't get you any closer to where you want to be. Be kind to yourself. Don't count yourself out of the race if you have a set-back. Stay happy, stay motivated, and cheer for all your little victories.

2. Stop Overthinking

When did people start becoming so doubtful of themselves? We are so quick to set an ambitious goal and quickly retreat because we don't think we can ever do it. How will you know if you never put yourself out there and tried? And maybe you have tried and encountered a set-back. Just because the journey gets difficult doesn't mean it's not worthy. Stop thinking about what could go wrong and think about how you'll feel when it goes right.

3. Fear of Change

Fear comes with every goal we set. We're fearful of the journey. We're scared of what will happen IF we fail. There's always that haunting question of "IF". I challenge you to terminate the word "if" out of your vocabulary. Fear can be scary, because what you're dreaming of is exciting. Change is so good for us. You might not think that now, but there is always a purpose for change. When fear creeps up on you, let it go.

4. Living In The Past

I'm guilty of this one. A lot of times, I think about how things used to be. But that's the catch, right? "Used" is past tense. Not present. It's not here and now. It's history. What's done is done, and you can't go back in time. Move forward and learn from your mistakes. Life if full of chances, so take them!

5. Stop Pleasing Everyone

I'm known for this one, too. It's human nature for me to want everyone around me to be happy. Sometimes I can be a push-over. And that is something that I'm working on. I have to learn to say "no". And you should too. Not every decision that you make in life is going to make your friends or family happy all the time. But if this goal you have set for yourself is important to you, then why discard it because of someone else's opinions? They're just that- opinions. That doesn't mean that you need to change things around for others or drop what you're doing. Learn to do things for yourself and your happiness too. For example: If you've had a rough week and feel like be lazy around the house and having a little 'me-time' (for me, that's binging Netflix and snuggling with my dogs), then do it. Your friends won't be mad at you. Don't forget to take care of yourself too.


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