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  • Dominique

Find Your Inner Confidence

Do you ever feel overwhelmed sometimes? I know I’ve been feeling that way for a long time. I am trying to juggle school, work, four kids, relationships, mounds of homework, and the list goes on.

My husband suggested that I make a little nook in our bedroom so I could study. I couldn’t argue with him. I was desperate for a quiet spot. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind the noise of my kids, but when I have to know 180 pages of information in two weeks, I need a quiet space to study. My mother-in-law gave me her desk (which was pretty awesome). The desk was meant for a home computer. You know, the big screen computers that sat on your desk, so there was no back to it. I had the desk on a diagonal, so whenever I sat down all I seen was the gaping hole and the mid-line of my lamp. At first, I thought I would put a cork board there to fill the hole. It turned out that the only cork board I had was too small. In my head I was thinking something efficient had to be there. After all, I would be staring at it the whole time I would be doing homework. Then I came across my dream board that I did last year. I put it behind the hole and guess what? It fit so perfectly. My dream board is filled with inspiration and the things that I wanted to accomplish for the year. It was a perfect thing to be constantly staring at. I never knew how much of an impact that dream board would have on me until a few days ago.

I have been struggling so much these past few weeks. Emotionally, I think I’m losing it. I’m not really sure what is going on. Maybe this is another chapter for me. Maybe I am seeing things for what they really are. I have no idea. I know there are some of you that know exactly what I am talking about. When I sit at my desk, I always turn on meditation music. Not to meditate, but because it is so peaceful. When I am in my bedroom doing homework, the rule is that if anyone comes in, they have to be quiet. I told my kids they are welcome to lay on my bed or on the floor, but my area is for quiet time so I can study. All four of them including my husband and two dogs find a way in there at some point. They all just lay down and say how relaxing it is. The atmosphere is relaxing, I just wish my mind would be that way too.

I sat down at my desk last night reflecting on everything. At that moment I needed a clear answer to my questions, when I looked up and there it was. It was a quote that I had cut out of a magazine and stuck it to my dream board a year ago. I see my board all the time when I’m sitting at my desk doing homework, but never gave it two thoughts. For whatever reason, this quote was screaming at me. It says "In moments of reflection I find my inner confidence. #trustyourself”. That is exactly what I needed to hear at that very moment. I wanted to share that with you today. Take some time to reflect, but most importantly trust yourself. Find your inner confidence and never lose sight of who you are and what you want to do. You got this, believe that. Xoxoxox


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