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  • Alanna

Easter Sunday

I've always loved Easter Sunday because it meant so much to my mother. Each year, we would wake up, put on our best clothes, take our Easter photo in front of our fireplace, go to church, and eat together as a family. Some Easter's we would have a family meal at the house, and some Easter's we would go out for brunch after church.

Each morning we woke up to an Easter basket filled with robin eggs, a few Cadbury creme eggs, jelly beans, a chocolate bunny, gum, a book and sometimes an iTunes gift card. When we were little, my Mom would get creative with where to hide the baskets and would leave cotton balls as a trail to follow starting from our rooms and ending at a hidden spot. When we got older, my Mom would have them sitting at the dining room table to look at together. She would wait for us to wake up and she'd always walk over from the computer room, coffee in hand, to watch our faces brighten up when we went through our baskets.

I think what my Mom loved most about Easter was that we always celebrated together as a family and the focus was on celebrating Jesus rising from His grave. She always made a point to stress that Easter was about Jesus and not about the food or candy. My Mom always seemed to be in a brighter mood on Easter Sunday. She would get really energetic while singing praise before the sermon and she always elbowed me if I wasn't singing along and watched to see if I was just mouthing the words. But watching her energy made me happy and I gladly sang along next to her.

I miss those holidays with her. I miss her smile and laughter. I miss the way to she managed to get everyone to come together- it was contagious. I hope that one day I can inspire my children the way that she has inspired me.

Easter looks different for me now. Since my sister lives in Missouri and my Dad lives in Michigan, I try to rotate visits and both. This Easter I'm packing the dogs and heading north to spend Easter with my Dad. The past few years have been hard without my Mom around, but I'm slowly making new traditions with her in mind.

This year is definitely the year of change for me and I'm excited to plant new roots and traditions that I hope to continue in my own family years down the road. I'm looking forward to spending time with my Dad, visiting his church, and cooking a meal together. Most of all, I'm looking forward to getting away from the craziness here and spending quality time with my Dad.

I hope that wherever you end up this Sunday, that you are surrounded with family or friends and you truly appreciate who you are with. Embrace your family traditions or create new ones. Easter truly is a happy holiday and I'm so grateful for the memories I have and the values my Mom instilled in us growing up. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter Sunday!

What are some Easter traditions that your family holds?


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