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  • Alanna

Closing a Chapter

Hang tight guys, because I'm about to get real, raw, honest, and personal in this post.

Two few weeks ago I made a huge decision that I wanted to share with all of you. It's something that I've contemplated for months and felt that it was finally the right time. And it was not an easy decision to make- I've decided to close my Advocare business.

I have already shared the news with close friends and family but felt that I needed to share more about my experience these past few years. It's interesting because since the decision, I've gotten a variety of responses back. I've had friends and family tell me "I'm sorry to hear that", "I'm not surprised" or "It's about time". In all honesty, I was a little hurt by some of the comments, but it also reminds me that I made the right call.

I've been using Advocare products for over 3 years and I feel like I've grown tremendously as an individual because of it. I was first introduced to Advocare by our very own Dominique. At the time I was still trying to figure out how to take control of my health and Advocare was a blessing in that moment. After trying the products, I eventually transitioned from a customer to Advisor and felt empowered to make a positive change for myself and others. I attended meetings and conferences and developed a more positive outlook on life.

Through this company, I met some amazing people. I had a great team of motivating individuals that I will also be grateful for. But in this past year, I've lost some great leaders who motivated me daily. Our team dropped morning calls, weekly team calls, and general follow ups. Everyone else seemed to lose their fire and their spark. To be completely honest, I felt like a dropped hot potato. After others dropped out, I felt that I wasn't given the choice to continue on and I felt very lost for a very long time. I invested so much of my time and money, but I didn't feel like anyone was investing back into my growth and development. When you're extremely motivated person and others let you down time and time again, it's very difficult to pick yourself back up with the same energy you had before.

Eventually I started to think about what I really wanted to do with my life. I asked myself many times if I was happy. Was this company right for me? Am I actually losing the weight? Am I satisfied? Am I motivated? Do I have the support I needed? The answer continually came back: No.

And so I decided I needed to take my life back. I realized that I needed to focus on MYSELF first before I helped anyone else. I needed to make the difficult decision that would eventually make me happier in the end. I did this for me. And guess what? I am already doing so much better. Sometimes we focus so much on trying to make something work or someone happy that we forget to think about ourselves. I've never really realized how much it's impacted me until recently.

It's okay if things don't work out the way we planned. It's okay that my business failed. And it's okay to accept that truth. I have.

And that simple truth has led me on a completely new fitness journey. Through social media, I've found a handful of women with similar goals who put their health first. Girls who motivate me daily and give me hope again. It's amazing what falls on your lap when you're least expecting it.

I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. I believe that Advocare was in my life for a reason. It taught me so much and I will always carry what I've learned moving forward. And letting that part of me go was the right thing to do. I've closed this chapter in my life and started writing a new one. I'm so incredibly excited for what's to come. And I can't wait to continue to share my journey with you all. Because it is far from over.


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