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  • Dominique

Christmas Spirit

Can you believe Christmas is only 12 days away! I cant believe how fast time is going. Are you ready for it? I am definitely not. My heart still feels like it’s July. So what kind of fun things do you guys like to do for Christmas? Do you have any traditions, fun games, themes that you like to do? I started a tradition with my family around six years ago. Every Christmas Eve, each of the four kids and my husband gets to open a gift from me. It’s the one gift that they are allowed before Christmas morning. In each of their gift boxes they get a new pajama, coffee mug, hot chocolate, a box of candy, a small gift, and a movie. We take turns watching each movie on Christmas Eve. It is something really simple, but they all love it. My daughter is a preteen so I thought she didn’t want to do it anymore. She came up to me a couple of weeks ago and asked if I can still do it (which made me really happy).

This year, we are hosting Christmas. I decided to change things up a bit. This year we are doing a Feliz Navidad theme. Instead of doing the traditional ham and potatoes, we are going for tacos and margaritas. I’m really excited about doing the decorations. I figure the kids and I can make some colorful ornaments for the tree. We are going to make strings of “lanterns” made of balloons. We will have a piñata (yes for adults and yes for in the house). Everyone will get a mustache and a margarita glass, and it will be a night full of music and dancing. For dessert, I found a strawberry margarita cupcake recipe and I’m going to make cut out cookies. I found some fun cookie cutters on amazon to go with the theme. I’m excited to hear what you all do, so make sure to comment below!

Before I let you go, I wanted to share something that’s on my heart. Christmas is a fun time full of family, friends, and traditions. Christmas is also a time where so many people hurt. There are so many people who are lonely and forgotten. People who are struggling to make ends meet. People who have lost someone close to them. People who’s relationship is on the brink of disaster. People who are in a dark place. Let us not forget about them, okay? It’s okay to smile at people. It’s okay to make small talk while waiting in line at the check out. It’s okay to ask the cashier how they are doing. It’s okay to do random acts of kindness, and not just because it’s Christmas, but every other day too. Parking lots are going to be full. Lines are going to be long. You already know this, so don’t forget to put on your cheerful face and know that everyone is in this with you too. Christmas is not about what things are around the tree, but who’s around the tree that matters.


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