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  • Dominique

Chapter Sixteen- It's the Little Things

I was pretty sure someone put my head in a vice grip this morning. It was throbbing so bad. I went to bed around one in the morning and got up at five, which really didn’t help the whole headache thing. I walked through the hallway looking like a T -Rex dinosaur, trying not to make the floorboards squeak. The moment the kids know that mom’s up, they all get up. I like to get up early before everyone else. There is something about the morning that is healing to me. Honestly, it’s probably because it’s quiet. I like to do my devotional, listen to music on my iPod, read, and watch the sunrise. I know it sounds like the beginning of a movie. Like where in the scene it’s all peaceful then ten minutes later all hell breaks loose. That perfectly describes every morning in my house. I finally was able to get my headache under control and thought I should be pro-active today, so I figured I would do some laundry. You must know that my intentions are always good when I do the laundry. Meaning in my head I’m thinking I will have washed six or seven loads of laundry, I will come upstairs put on a movie, and fold the clothes while I finally get a chance to sit down. And don’t forget, in my head I will put them away. Now the reality of that whole situation is that I do wash six or seven loads and bring them upstairs around the couch. But guess what? That’s where it stays, until someone vacuums the floor then it gets put on the dining room table. That’s where it stays again until we need the table. Then, it gets thrown in the corner where everyone is picking out of it. At that point why even bother putting it away right?! Please tell me I’m not the only person this happens to! There was something about this morning that was different. My headache was better and I was full of energy like an engine that had just been powered on. I did about 5 loads of laundry, folded it, and put it away. I know, I know I’m just as shocked as you are! After the laundry I went to the kitchen to do some dishes. At this point the kids were already up and off to school. I just had the twins with me. In my head I was going beast mode. I just wanted to get everything finished. I was almost finished when my youngest son pulled on my shirt and said, “Mama hold me”. I told him to give me two more minutes so I could finish the dishes. He then said “Mama please hold me now”. I shut the water off and squatted down to him and looked at his precious little face. I picked him up, kissed him, and gave him a great big hug. He wrapped his little arms around my neck so tight. I was going to put him back down, when he said again “Mama please hold me.” I readjusted him on my hip and brought him to the living room. We sat on the couch, cuddled, and played tickle monster. My two-year-old taught me a great lesson today. Sometimes we get to the point where we are so busy that we forget what is in front of us. As I was sitting on the couch holding my son his leg was draped over my knee. How could he be so big already? It took me back to the time when I was pregnant with the twins. I went in for a regular ultra sound and came out with devastating news. The doctor said that there was a problem with the boys. At this point I was around 18 weeks pregnant. The doctor said that I needed to have surgery the next day or the twins were going to die by the end of the week. I’ll tell you more about it in another blog but fast forward to today, I have a healthy little guy laying on my chest with his arms around me. Cherish every day, every moment because we don’t get this again. We can’t hit the rewind button and go back. Tell people you love them. Stop what you’re doing and go hug each person in your home and tell them how much you appreciate them. Make some calls, send out a text, a card, or something. Get on the floor and play with your dog. The dishes and the laundry can wait. We are not promised tomorrow. Everyday might not be good, but there is something good in every day. Don’t forget that. It’s the little things in life that matter.


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