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  • Dominique

Chapter Fourteen- A Fresh Start

A friend of mine bought me a journal awhile back. I thought it would be fun to document the journey I’m on. Well maybe "fun" is not the right word. Helpful, I thought it would be helpful. I started this about a year and three months ago. I have to tell you that documenting this was one of the best decisions I had made. My journey is of weight loss. I use it like I would use a diary. I made up a chart of the places I wanted to measure to keep an eye on my progress. I figure if I put it on paper it would hold me more accountable. So once a month I measure myself and do a weigh in. I try to write daily about how I’m feeling for the day, so I’m able to point out my stressors. I know it may sound kind of corny but it has helped me tremendously. When I’m feeling really frustrated I like to write. I can get out my frustrations on paper and there is no one there to judge me. Not like anyone would do that but I’m just saying. It’s almost like doing therapy for myself. This morning I grabbed my journal and started paging through it. I was reflecting on how far I have come and laughing at some of the things that I have written down. The one thing that really had stuck out to me was the quotes that I have written along the way. Depending on the quote I was feeling either really good or really sad. I’m not going to talk about my journey today, I just wanted to share this quote with you that really hit me hard. My quote: “I’m going to succeed, not only because I can but because I’m ready. No excuses, no looking back. You can’t change the past so there’s no point in dwelling on the what ifs, I shoulda… it's done. Today is a new day. A fresh start. It’s going to be hard. It’s going to be tough, but it will be worth it because I’m worth it.” I want you to stop for a moment and read it again. Do you hear what I’m trying to tell you? Did you hear that you are worth it? Yes, you. Every part of you is worth it so stop doubting yourself. You can do whatever it is you want in this world. You just have to keep going no matter what people say. Did you hear that it’s going to be hard? Yup, that it will be. If it were easy everybody would do it. Stand strong, keep fighting and don’t give up, EVER. Did you also hear that today is a fresh start? How beautiful is that?! Today is a new day, a fresh start, a new beginning. We can’t change yesterday, we have no idea what tomorrow holds, but we have today to become the best version of ourselves. Keep your head up, fight through those hard times, but most importantly know that you my beautiful friend are worth it.


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