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  • Dominique


I was walking to my car the other day feeling emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. I swear sometimes it’s like that dark cloud follows me everywhere. Right before I was about to go down the hill to the sea of cars, this girl caught my eye.

She was standing in front of this absolutely beautiful tree, taking pictures. It was one of those trees that are full of white flowers. It blooms in spring. I’m not sure if it sticks around for the summer, but it definitely doesn’t for the fall or winter. I couldn’t believe I never noticed it before. I walk by it at least 10 times a week. Could my mind be that full that I never noticed the beauty that surrounds me each day? It made me sad to think about it.

I don’t know why but I stopped in my tracks and just stood there looking at this tree. It made me think of the process that it goes through. It goes through more periods of not blossoming, then it does showing the world its beauty. Do you ever feel that way when you’re going through life? Like "When am I going to bloom again? I’ve been in the darkness long enough". But not really knowing that we actually need the darkness to make our blooms blossom. We need that period to strengthen us, to encourage us, and to teach us.

My encouragement for you today is that you embrace whatever situation you’re going through. I know it’s not easy. I know lots of tears may be shed. I know hearts may be breaking, but your breaking moments will be your break through. We just don’t always see it right away.


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