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  • Alanna

Autumn Awakenings

Fall is officially here in Wisconsin! We've had a bumpy transition from summer to fall, experiencing drastic temperature changes. But that's nothing new to us Wisconsinites, am I right??

Autumn has been my favorite season for as long as I can remember. Winter is too cold. Summer is too hot. And spring brings nothing but rain. But fall is magical to me. I can't pinpoint what exactly is my favorite thing, because I have so many reasons. Apple picking. Scented candles. Hunting for the best pumpkin to carve. Hot apple cider. Hot chocolate. Caramel apples. Pumpkin farms. Corn mazes. Crisp cold air. Bulky knit sweaters. Fuzzy socks. Boots. Hats and scarves. Falling leaves that paint the ground with vibrant shades of orange, red and yellow. And the crunching beneath your feet as you walk across them.

Can you smell it? Can you taste it? Can you see it? That. That is my favorite thing about fall. The atmosphere is so palpable. People are happier. Families gather. And you get that warm fuzzy feeling of content. If it was my choice, it'd be autumn all year round.

Many people tend to associate this season with a season of death. They notice flowers dying, leaves falling off trees, and colors shifting from bright greens to a warmer palate. But I choose to look at it differently. I came across this quote that perfectly describes my perception:

"Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale."

-Lauren DeStefano

For me, autumn is an awakening. It's a reminder to enjoy everything all around you. To stop constantly moving and stand still. Watch as the leaves dance on a chilly windy day. Listen to the laughter of little kids running around the pumpkin patches. Taste the warm flavors of apple cider- spices, cinnamon, apple, and honey. Experience the moment you are in.

Autumn truly awakens my soul. To me, autumn is a season of contentment. It forces us to pay attention to what we already have and to enjoy the here and now. And I will constantly be in awe of its wonder.


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