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  • Alanna

All The Small Things

These past few months have been trying, to say the least. Both my work life and personal life have been challenging and my anxiety has been at a high level for quite some time. I've been experiencing migraines and panic attacks.

My personal life is a hot mess. I'm working on building a side hustle business that has its challenges. I'm also currently in a place of feeling extremely unwanted and unloved. I've felt alone through most walks of life and I don't foresee that emotion leaving me anytime soon. I battle it daily.

My professional life is incredibly stressful. We've lost key individuals that used to be the heart of our clinic and program. Slowly, the work loads increased and so did my responsibilities. And it feels as though the wave of people leaving isn't over.

With that all being said, I've been struggling mentally. I'm exhausted. I'm worn. I can't control my hands that shake uncontrollably constantly (from the anxiety). Most days I want to curl up on the couch and just let the TV play in the background while my mind swims a mile a minute. Ever feel that way sometimes too?

I've been really fighting a lot of thoughts off and I'm learning to celebrate all of my little victories. It doesn't matter how small or insignificant they seem at the time, because I know that they will grow to be huge steps in the long run.

If I manage to wake up on time, instead of skipping 10 alarms and sleeping in, I pat myself of the back. If I complete my workout daily, I congratulate myself. If I make a decision to eat a healthier meal than what I was craving, I celebrate that. Making small positive decisions deserve some recognition. Because all of those small things are what boost our confidence and they make a bigger impact than you might think.

If I were to focus on all the negative things happening around or to me, then those little things will bring me down and I'll continue to stay where I'm at. But if I were to focus on all of the good little things, then I'll begin to move forward with a positive mindset. Yes, I know- sometimes it's hard to put yourself first and recognize your victories. But I encourage you to start congratulating yourself for all of the progress you've made in life so far. Think about the small positive changes you've made. The decision to join a gym. The decision to go back to school. Making an effort to wake up just a little bit earlier. Reconnecting with people. Whatever it may be for you. Those are all amazing things. Tell yourself that.

Celebrating my small wins are helping and I encourage each and every one of you to do the same. Focus on all of the positives and keep moving forward!


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