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  • Alanna

Adjusting Your Attitude

If you’ve set a goal and you’ve hit a plateau, you’re not alone. In fact, you're in the exact same boat as me. My attitude towards life lately hasn't been where it should be. I lack motivation and I tend to compromise too much. There have been plenty of occasions where I set a goal that I thought was way out of reach. My current goal focuses on my weight loss journey. Right now, I'm over-weight and determined to shed off some pounds before I walk down the aisle next December. I intend to lose about 50 pounds (that may sound drastic but I assure you that I need to lose that much to get to my healthy weight given my height). I soon realized that it wasn't actually out of reach, but that I needed to adjust my attitude. I wasn't as committed to that goal as I had originally thought. After reassessing my goal, I determined that I needed to do three things to help me obtain it: change my mindset, recommit and level up.

1. Change Your Mindset

Goals only work if you do. You have to do the work in order to reap the benefits. And my problem? I wasn't doing as much work as I should have been. I established my goal of losing 50 pounds and I made efforts to eat healthier and incorporated exercises throughout the week. But I wasn't doing enough. There were days that I was justifying sweet treats at night before bed if I ate a salad at lunch. It sounds silly to think of the things I justified in my head, and it set me back on my journey. Nothing was changing. I thought that one salad and a few exercises would make a difference, but it would take more than that to get me to where I wanted to be. I was being lazy and I was compromising too much on my diet. After coming to terms with my actions, I changed my mindset. Yes, I needed to eat healthier. Yes, I needed to work-out more. And it would need to take serious commitment to stick to my diet regimen.

2. Recommit

And so I decided to recommit myself to my weight loss. I began drinking my Meal Replacement Shakes every morning for breakfast. I packed healthy lunches and healthy snacks to munch on throughout the work day. I made sure to make healthy home cooked meals for dinner. And I'm trying to limit my carb and sugar intake daily. The more dedicated and mindful I am of the food I'm putting in my mouth, the more success I'll have in sticking to my commitment. I've also joined my friend Chelsea's Empower You Fitness group that offers at home workout videos to women. I usually complete 3 workouts after dinner before bed a week (that's what works best for my busy schedule). Even though I'm tired most nights, I tell myself that a missed workout is a missed opportunity to improve my health. It's not easy being hard on yourself and staying strict, trust me there are so many times that I've been wanting to throw in the towel or take a cheat week! But I'm staying committed.

3. Level Up

Picture a flight of stairs that winds around with a platform on each floor. When you walk the flight of stairs up to the second level, you reach that platform before you start climbing the next set of stairs to level three. The platform is your plateau. If you don't keep moving, you'll never get to level three. You need to level up! Think about why you're stuck on that platform (or plateau). Are you tired? Are you not feeling well? Are you out of ideas? Really think hard about this one. If you're tired, incorporate some rest and refuel your body before continuing. If you're not feeling well, maybe you need to make sure you're consuming enough protein in your diet. If you're out of ideas, ask a friend for their thoughts or opinions. There is always something you can work on to be better.

Sometimes we need to re-look at what is ahead of us and adjust our attitudes towards goals we set for ourselves. Instead of thinking we can't, think more positively and believe in the impossible.

Adjust your mindset, recommit, and level up! Now, go crush your goals!!


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