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  • Dominique

A Little Bit of Randomness

Hello my beautiful readers! This blog is going to be a little different today. I want to share some fun things that I have tried and absolutely love! One of them is homemade and the other is not. I have been on a journey to find more “natural” ways of doing things. I’m not a freak about it, I just thought it would be something good to do. You hear all the time about people getting diagnosed with something scary. It’s normally then that the family starts changing their way of eating and doing things. I figured it would be a good thing to be proactive. I started reading labels as to what I put into my mouth and the things that I put on my skin. I’m not going to lie, but I didn’t know a good 85% of the things on the list, so I began to do some research. I kind of wish I would have started doing research on this stuff earlier! Let’s just say it scared me enough to make a change. Alright you guys, are you ready?

This is my absolute favorite! It is charcoal toothpaste. I know it sounds kind of weird. The idea of black toothpaste is a little off putting, but sounded fun to me. I was standing in the toothpaste aisle forever trying to find a fluoride free toothpaste, when I came across this. I never heard of this brand before. What I really liked about it from glancing at the box and reading the ingredients, was that it was fluoride free, had no fake sugars or sulfates in it, and had coconut oil.

I don’t know about you but I love coconut oil (the kind that doesn’t taste like coconut). I use it twice a week to oil pull. Oil pulling is where you place a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and chew it until it melts (but don’t swallow it). Once it’s melted swish it in your mouth for 15-20 minutes, like you would do using mouthwash. I know that sounds like a crazy long time. What I do to not think about the time is watch a favorite TV show, or check email, or play candy crush. It really helps the time go by as your sitting there swishing. The benefits of coconut oil in your mouth is that it kills bacteria and is a natural teeth whitener. After your 15-20 minutes are up, spit the oil in the garbage can. You DO NOT want to spit in your sink. When the oil is at body temperature it’s in a liquid form, however when it cools off it turns into a solid form. It makes me nervous as to what it can do to your plumbing. It might not do anything, but I don’t want to find out the hard way. After you’re done spitting it out rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. Your mouth will feel amazing.

Sorry about that long side note of oil pulling but I definitely think its worth to know how to do it. Okay, back to the black toothpaste. The activated charcoal is supposed to balance the oral PH in your mouth and help whiten teeth. The box said that it tastes awesome. I’m here to tell you that they weren’t lying. It is the best mint tasting toothpaste I have ever had. My mouth felt so clean (which I think has a lot to do with the coconut oil). Even better, it's husband and kid approved. It can be a bit messy so be careful when you brush your teeth and spit. Remember, it is black. I’m not sure yet if it stains. So far, I have had no issues getting it on my clothes. I bought this at Target for $3.99. Seriously it’s the best $4 I have ever spent.

Another favorite of mine is sugar scrubs (exfoliators). It’s good to at least once a week get off the dead skin cells. The only thing is some exfoliators are so expensive and have a bunch of crap in it. So, I decided to make my own.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 Mason Jar

  • ½ cup white sugar

  • ½ cup brown sugar

  • 4 green tea bags

  • 2 TBS raw honey (regular honey would be fine to)

  • ½ C Fractionated coconut oil (I got mine on Amazon)

  • 10 drops essential oil


  1. Get a bowl big enough to mix all this together. Put your sugars in the bowl.

  2. Next cut open the tea bags and dump them on top of the sugar. I ended up using green tea with pomegranate only because that’s what I had in the pantry. I must say that it smells really good.

  3. Next add your honey, coconut oil, and essential oil. Mix together and place into your mason jar.

  4. Voila, you made your very own sugar scrub!

I love the green tea in it because green tea is full of antioxidants. Fractionated coconut oil is where the oil is in a constant liquid state, even if it gets cold. You could try olive oil too, but I like the coconut oil because there is no smell. I used lavender essential oil in mine, but you could use whatever you like best. You can also use any flavor green tea. It doesn’t have to be plain. At first, I wanted to use the plain green tea but I didn’t have any. I’m really happy that I experimented with the pomegranate flavor. You can also change up the sugar. You could use all white sugar, or all brown sugar. I like using them both. Use what works best for you!

Hope you all enjoy!!


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