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  • Alanna

Chapter Fifteen- What's Your Glow?

What is the one word that defines you? That one word that perfectly describes your goals, aspirations, and intentions? That word that you work to live up to? That one word that screams YOU?

Mine is comeback.

Back in October 2017, Dominique and I attended a life changing event with a good friend of ours, Chelsea. Our business company, AdvoCare, set up a huge event: Ladies Alive. This event was so incredibly refreshing and empowering. The things I learned here have been echoing in the back of my mind lately and I want to share with you how powerful one word can really be.

We woke up that morning and began driving to the event in Des Moines, IL at 4am. It was a long 6 hour drive, but we made it there just in time to find some seats, take a few fun pictures, and get comfortable for the speakers.

Throughout the event, the speakers re-iterated the importance of self-love and the power of intentional words. I was reminded repeatedly that I am worth fighting for. Our focus was on what our GLOW word was. Your glow is something inside of you that grows bigger and better every day. Your glow is what we decide to make of our lives and what shines onto others.

We were asked to think of one word that would encourage us to get out of our comfort zones. One word that challenged us and gave us hope for our future. At that point in time, Dominique and I were managing our Facebook Comeback Chapters group and in the process of creating our Comeback Chapters blog. The word 'comeback' came to my mind almost instantly. I just knew that would be my glow word. I knew that the word comeback was a word I held close to my heart. I had been battling with self-doubt and negative thoughts that were consuming me before we started the Comeback Chapters movement. I knew that I no longer wanted to live in a negative mindset and I needed to make a change for myself and anyone else who had been feeling the way I was. One of my all time favorite quotes is the foundation of our blog: "The comeback is always stronger than the setback."

The things I learned that day were so important, which is why I'm sharing them with you. But I never would have been in that room if it weren't for Dominique and Chelsea. I will always be forever grateful for these two beautiful ladies who were brought into my life in one of the most trying times of my life. They encourage me to be a better version of myself and they help my live up to my glow word every day.

The event was so eye-opening, and from that day forward I've been proving to myself that I am worth the fight and that I'm making a comeback. Whenever I start to doubt myself or find myself in a difficult situation, I am reminded that the comeback is always stronger than the setback.

Since October, my life is so much better. I am healthy, I am happy, and I glow. I am proud of the person I've become, but it didn't come easy. I strongly encourage anybody who struggles with self-doubt to find a word that fits their glow. Everyone has something to offer in life- I am a strong believer in this.

And now I ask you all: What is your glow?


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