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  • Dominique

Self Love Series- Breaking Free

There is a side of me that no one knows

I’m so deeply afraid it’s going to be exposed

All the darkness that goes through my head

And the thoughts that I carry straight to my bed

My mind is filled with panic and fear

There are many times I want to disappear

To run away and never look back

It’s during those times I give myself a panic attack

The darkness surrounded me

It pinned me to the wall

I crashed and stumbled

As I began to fall

The pain cut like a hundred stabbing knives

You can’t even begin to imagine all the pain I try to hide.

The darkness crushed me.

It brought me to the floor

I screamed and hollered

And said I don’t want to feel no more

Hello are you listening are you even there?

Do you see my tear stained face do you even care?

Of course you don’t see it I hide it everyday

When I go to work and take the kids out to play

I put on my face and act like nothing is wrong

You would not know I have cried all day long

The shadow of doubt and fear followed everywhere I went

It poked and prodded me until I damn near bent

But that’s the thing about being resilient

I spring back every time

I took the enemy by the head and said you are no longer mine

I will take back my life, my spirit and my soul

My emotions I will never let you control

For I am strong, and brave, and beautiful too

Look in the mirror and so are you

We are always so quick to believe the lies we hear in our minds

And all the scattered thoughts that our brains keep confined

So just incase you forgot you have a purpose too

What would the world do if it didn’t have you?

You are capable of so many amazing things

Do you understand the value that your life brings?

We all go through it, we all get a little dark

But please don’t let those feelings tear you apart

I have many things to say, but I have one plea

Let’s break these negative chains of bondage and be set free


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