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  • Dominique

Chapter Nine- It’s a Wrap Baby

Is anyone else besides me freaking out that 2017 is almost gone? I mean seriously where did the time go?! Do you remember what your New Years resolution was in the beginning of the year? Mine went somewhere along the lines of “just get it together Dom, just get it together”. As 2017 is quickly coming to an end I have to laugh at myself. I’m laughing because every morning to this day I tell myself to get it together. I guess the question is have I? Toward the end of January this year I made a goal for myself to lose 100 lbs in 1 year. Yeah, I know it sounds kind of crazy but I had to set the bar high for myself. I knew if I set it high enough I would do whatever it took to reach my goal. As of right now I have not reached my 100 lb mark, however I am down over 70lbs. Am I upset that I have not reached my goal? Absolutely not. I’m not where I want to be, but I’m not where I used to be either and that is a victory in itself. I share some of my weight loss story to encourage those on their journey. How many of us have weight loss down as a New Years resolution? Come January 2nd the gym parking lot is going to be packed. The sad thing is mid- March 85-90% of people will give up on their resolutions. But not you. Not this time. If you want it, go make it happen. Losing weight is not an easy thing but you can do it. You can do anything you put your mind to. I have been through 6 pregnancies, and I’m not one of those lucky ladies who bounce back to an amazing body. My body is more like Shrek, so believe me when I tell you I completely understand the process :p

Sometimes in order to start new we have to let go of the things that are holding us back. It might be possessions that we don’t want to get rid of. It might be people. Maybe you’re hanging around really negative people who are making it impossible for you to get ahead. Maybe it’s a friend or someone who you thought was your friend. It might be your attitude. Change your mind and it can change your life. Surround yourself with like minded people. People who are going to uplift you, support, and encourage you. And for the love of all stop telling yourself that you can’t do something because YOU CAN! I was on a roll a few months ago with my weight loss. Everyday I would run for an hour. Not because I liked it, but because it relieved stress for me. Plus, I could burn a crazy amount of calories. I woke up one morning, put both feet on the ground, and fell to the floor. I injured both legs, from the tips of my toes to my knee caps. The pain was so severe I thought I fractured both legs. I couldn’t walk. I went to the doctor and was told that I couldn’t run anymore. I’m pretty sure I looked at him like he was crazy. No running?! How was I going to relieve my stress? Look, my twins are 2. They are identical boys of whom I love dearly. My days include me saying “don’t hit your brother, stop climbing on the shelf you’re going to fall, get out of the garbage that’s gross, why do you have red sharpie all over your face, why is my makeup bag in the toilet, where did you find that gum I haven’t bought gum in a week, stop throwing things at the tv”. Doctor, I need to run!! He laughed, I didn’t think it was funny I was being real but whatever. My only outlet was now gone. “So, you’re telling me that I can’t run?” Yes, the doctor said no running, however you can bike ride. He said that the motion of bike riding would help my legs. Guess what? It did! My point in all that was to tell you that there is always a way. The word can’t is not allowed in your vocabulary ok? You got this. I believe in you.

As we come into the New Year, leave all the negative things behind that has caused you pain. The greatest thing is that each day is a new day. We can’t turn back the hands of time so we have to keep moving forward. In 2018 we have 12 new chapters and 365 days of fresh starts. Open your heart to new beginnings. Take a chance and believe in yourself because we believe in you. You alone hold the key to your happiness. It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you want something go out there and get it. Take a chance on yourself. Don’t sell yourself short. Let’s end 2017 with a bang and come into 2018 going beast mode. Happy New Year to all of you and your families! You guys stay safe out there. Remember the best is yet to come!


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