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  • Dominique and Alanna

Chapter Eight- Helping the Homeless

This past Saturday, The Comeback Chapters hosted our first Christmas Drive for the Homeless benefiting the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. The Milwaukee Rescue Mission is an amazing rescue that offers numerous programs to help the homeless community get back on their feet. They offer meals, housing, and education to men, women, and children. This event held a very special meaning in both of our hearts and we are so grateful to be in a position that helps others.

The event was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in West Allis between 1pm and 3pm. We were fortunate enough to receive the room rental for free out of the goodness of the owner's heart.

We were hopeful that more people would have joined and supported us in this cause. Though we did not receive many donations, we are confident that we can build this event up in the years to come.

We are both so fortunate to have crossed paths in life and become close friends. We are fortunate to have built a community of love and support. And we are also fortunate enough to have a roof over our heads, a warm meal, and a coat to wear when it gets cold outside. There are a lot of others out there who aren't as fortunate as us. And we hope to change that, one donation at a time.

If you were unable to attend the event on Saturday, you can still help! If you would like to donate, please visit the website here. It only takes $20.40 to provide care and meals for 10 people.

We hope you all have an amazing holiday season. Don't forget to hug the ones you love and always be grateful. Merry Christmas! XOXO


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