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  • Alanna

Chapter Seven-Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

How often do you think about trying something new? Do you ever act on that? It’s not easy to step outside of your bubble and yes, sometimes it can be scary because it’s unfamiliar. But what’s the purpose of living life if you don’t go out there and try your best? I know that my time here on Earth is limited, and I want to take advantage of what I can while I still able to. This past week, I’ve tried three new things and I’m so glad that I followed through with them all. Each experience has taught me something new to appreciate and has encouraged me to keep growing and learning. My three things I have a new appreciation for are painting, Indian food, and baking cookies.


This is the one that had me laughing the most throughout the whole process. I am by no means an artist. My idea of drawing consists of stick figures and a mis-shaped blobs. I do, however, love crafts. So when Dominique invited me to come paint with her to celebrate her birthday, I was optimistic. I had done this once before a year prior with Dominique as well and remembered I had fun. The painting she chose was a beautiful abstract picture of bright colorful trees and a park bench. I thought to myself “I can totally do this. I did it last year. This is going to turn out great”. Was I ever wrong. It was extremely challenging! Watching the instructor effortlessly paint away while I struggled to make sense of what I was doing was frustrating. But then I looked around at everyone else around me. They were all smiling and laughing at each other. They were enjoying themselves, even though they were struggling just like I was. And that’s when I kicked myself in the butt and started to laugh at myself too. I needed to stop being so critical with myself. After all, it was only the second time ever I had picked up a paintbrush. The rest of the class was a ton of fun after I decided to let loose and enjoy the company I was with. My painting actually didn’t turn out as bad as I was thinking it was going to. Sure, there might have been a few bumps in the road. But I’m learning and I had a blast. I can’t wait to try it again next year!

Indian Food

The thought of trying Indian food never really appealed to me before. I’ve grown up my whole life indulging on Thai food and I was stuck in my ways. I had heard that Indians like to cook with a lot of spices and that scared me because I don’t like a whole lot of spicy foods (besides a few Thai dishes). Aaron’s Mom, Julie, had mentioned to me that her co-worker’s wife was holding a cooking class and offered to take me along with her. I was excited because I am not the best cook and wanted to learn a few tricks. And then I realized that she had said Indian cooking class and I got slightly nervous. But I had wanted to spend the time with her and I thought to myself “Why not?”.

The cooking class was being held at the Milwaukee Public Market. I had never been there before and when we walked in, I was instantly mesmerized. There were so many food vendors everywhere. Julie and I decided to get a coffee before we started the class (we both love coffee, no matter the time of day). If you haven’t tried a cup of coffee from Anodyne Coffee Roasting Company, you are truly missing out. I tried their Honey Bee, which was a vanilla and honey latte. It was so flavorful and it definitely hit the spot.

Our cooking instructor was Geramin Labrie and she was so knowledgeable! She is such an incredible woman who is so involved with the community and only wants to help others live a good life. Throughout the class, I learned that Indians almost always use ginger and garlic together while cooking. They always use fresh ingredients in their food. Did you know that Indians use an old trick to clean their fish before cooking? Geramin showed us that you can soak the fish in some water and 2 tablespoons of flour for a few minutes to clean the fish. The flour takes out the fishy taste and smell. We were able to taste several different dishes that Geramin prepared for us and I was completely taken away by how much I truly enjoyed the food. I took away a new-found appreciation for Indian food and look forward to trying it more often now.

Baking Cookies

Yes, I know. Most of you might be laughing at me because this one is definitely out of my comfort zone. But I did mention above that I am not the best cook, so naturally I am not the best baker either. Makenzie invited me to join her family in their annual holiday baking get-together and I was so excited to try it out. Growing up, my mom was the master of the kitchen and I wish I would have paid more attention to her tricks when I had the chance. We started the morning by frosting and decorating all of the sugar cookies with fun designs.

After finishing the sugar cookies, we attempted to make the recipes we all brought with us from home. I attempted Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies (because they were easiest to make), and failed the first time. My cookies looked awful, and I was a little discouraged. After adding flour and laughing at my mistake, the cookies began to actually look like cookies. I had so much fun spending time with such sweet people and I'm so grateful to have people in my life that encourage me to try new things and involve me in their family traditions!

The following day, my neighbor Sarah asked me to come over and make cookies with her daughter. I was so excited and pumped up from the day before. We tried making a cookie we found on Pinterest and they actually turned out super adorable! We also dipped pretzels in chocolate as well as brownies.

I look forward to starting my own traditions with my future family someday in the kitchen. Like I said, I'm not the best at it but I'm learning and that's all that matters.

I really encourage you all to get out of your comfort zone this weekend. Try something new! Yes it can be scary, but the process is so much fun. You never know what you might learn and you might even find a few more things in life to appreciate.

Have an amazing week everyone! XOXO


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