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  • Dominique

Chapter Two- Change

I was driving the other day and of course was running late for my appointment. I impatiently hit the palm of my hand on the steering wheel as I sat at the light that seemed to stay red forever. Finally, the light changed to that beautiful color green which meant go, however no movement was being made. “Now what” I said out loud. Then I heard that dreadful train horn. Ugh seriously! Normally it wouldn’t bother me but this particular train is always soooo slow. Plus, it didn’t help that I now was going to be even later than I expected. I threw my suburban in park, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I turned to my left to look out the window and noticed that the guy next to me was equally frustrated. “We are all in this together”, I thought as I sat back, doing a mental check list of all the things I needed to do before the day was over. The sun came through the clouds and shined on the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. It was cherry apple red with warm tones of orange and yellow. I mean seriously, how could I have not seen this tree before? I drive that stretch of road at least twice a day. I didn’t see it because I was too busy being cranky about something I couldn’t control. Too busy with my thoughts to notice all the beautiful changes surrounding me. I had to literally be stopped in my tracks to learn a valuable lesson.

I didn’t notice the tree in the weeks prior because it looked like all the rest. Until it started to change little by little, then blossomed into the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. The tree was so vibrant with colors that flowed through each vein of every leaf. You know that phrase “why fit in when you were born to stand out”? I know it sounds kind of corny but there is so much truth behind it. We are all like that tree, constantly changing. We all go through different seasons. Maybe you’re getting married or divorced. Maybe you got a job that you always wanted or maybe you lost one. Maybe you got some really good news from the doctor or a devastating one. Maybe you’re bringing a baby into this world or have to say good bye to one. Maybe you found the person who makes your soul sing or you had to let them go.

Listen, change is hard sometimes. Unfortunately, it’s not all flowers and rainbows but change is okay. It is necessary to get us to be where we were meant to be. When we go through change we are turning another chapter in our book. How awesome would it be to look back on the chapters of our lives and say “I made it. Look at all the change I’ve been through and still came out a warrior”. Change teaches us so many different things I don’t think we can even grasp it all. Try not to get to discouraged if you’re going through a hard change right now. It will get better and your page will turn into something great. I know it’s hard to understand that things will get better when you’re going through a rough patch, but they will. Just hang tight. You’ll make it. Be bold and vibrant like that tree. Don’t try to fit in with the crowd. The right people will come to you. You may have to walk alone sometimes and that’s ok too. You’re the change that people need so be yourself. Don’t forget to take some time today and look around you- I mean really look. You’ll be amazed at what you’ll find. There is a lesson to be learned in every day if we are quiet enough to hear it.


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